Directions Please complete the Week 6 reading and watch the lectures. Follow the

Please complete the Week 6 reading and watch the lectures.
Follow the

Please complete the Week 6 reading and watch the lectures.
Follow the prompt below and submit your assignment by Sunday at 11:59pm.
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How to Submit your Google Doc
SMC does not include full Google functionality on Canvas. Below are instructions for submitting your Google Docs in this course:Write your assignment on Google Docs.
On Google Docs, click the “Share” button at the top right of the screen.
Share the file with my gmail account and be sure to grant me “editor” privileges so I can review the edit history if necessary: [email protected][Please don’t share Google Docs with my SMC email]
If I don’t receive editor access to your Google Doc, then I will not grade it.
Save the Google Doc to your computer as a .docx file.
When you are ready to submit on Canvas, click the “Start Assignment” button at the top right of this page.
In the submission box, click “File Upload” to find your file and then click submit. Confetti will appear on the screen after a successful submission.
Read the rubric to understand how assignments are graded (scroll down the page)
This is not a research project, so outside sources are not allowed. Use of outside sources may result in a loss of points or a “0” grade. The goal is to demonstrate an understanding of the assigned reading by applying course concepts to real world issues. However, perhaps you could cite a small example from an outside source, but it should not be at the expense of addressing the prompt and demonstrating your understanding of the assigned reading. Check with me if you are ever unsure.
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Formatting: 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, number your responses to the prompt questions, and organize your writing into paragraphs when appropriate (long blocks of text are confusing and hard to read).
Citations: Use in-text citations when citing or explaining evidence from the assigned reading/watching.Be sure to explain any quotations in your own words. When citing evidence, use in-text citations: include the author’s name and the line numbers or page numbers (if applicable). For example, (author name 88). If citing evidence from a video, then cite the time-stamp. For example, “Quotation from the assigned video” (author name time stamp).
Pro Tip: it’s ok to shorten the passages. You can include […] when you are omitting unnecessary text from the passage to shorten it.
Prompt Questions (The entire assignment must be within 600-800 words) Number and respond to all prompt questions below. Support your reasoning using only evidence from the assigned reading this week. Be sure to explain any quotations in your own words. Aim to be clear and concise.
When citing evidence from the Republic, use in-text citations: When referencing ideas from the Republic cite the line numbers that are embedded in the PDF copy of the text. For example, (Plato 343b-344d).
Read the rubric for an explanation of the grading criteria. Aim to be clear and concise.
Plato’s discussion of the “myth of metals” begins at line 414c. This particular “noble lie” supplies the people of Kallipolis with a right to a homeland and a shared religion or set of values. Interpret and explain the goal for “noble lies” in general. Do you agree with Plato that “noble lies” are necessary for creating a rationally governed society? Explain your reasoning. We will discuss this in the podcast.
At the beginning of Book IV, Adeimantus objects that the guardians would not be happy in this city. Explain Socrates’ response to this objection and cite a short passage to support your reasoning. Only use the Joe Sachs translation of the Republic is permitted in class–other translations are not allowed and will lose points.
Plato presents his definition of justice in Book IV and he argues that justice is the achievement of each social class performing their role for the city’s benefit. Explain the four cardinal virtues and how they relate to the three social classes of Kallipolis: guardians, auxiliaries, and moneymakers/craftspeople. In your explanation, cite four short passages from the text to support your reasoning for how each of the four cardinal virtues apply to the three social classes. Only use the Joe Sachs translation of the Republic is permitted in class–other translations are not allowed and will lose points.
Don’t forget to write your total word count at the end! (I need it within 4 hours must. Whatever time you put, you’ve to send in 4 hours)