Discussion 2 is based on content from “Sexual Violence and Rape Culture.” All 5

Discussion 2 is based on content from “Sexual Violence and Rape Culture.”
All 5

Discussion 2 is based on content from “Sexual Violence and Rape Culture.”
All 5 questions are mandatory & all questions require citations (total 6 citations). Citations should be included within your answer and a full reference included at the end of your answer (see discussion post guidelines for examples). You should also respond to one classmate’s post. In order to ensure you receive the grade you have earned, remember to number your responses so it is clear to me which question you are answering. Part 1: Review the powerpoint from Week 5 titled “PPT: Sexual Violence & Campus Sexual Violence StatisticsActions.” This powerpoint lists statistics highlighting differing perspectives on sexual assault prevalence which varied across studies and across demographic groups (e.g. race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, year in school, etc). What were your reactions to this? Why do you think these disparities/inequities may exist? (50 words minimum, must include 1 citation from course material, 1 point)
What is meant by the term “rape culture?” (150 words minimum, must include 1 citation from course material and 1 citation from outside the course, 2 points)
Module 2 content presented multiple and opposing perspectives regarding if we truly live in a rape culture and if we should be using this term. Summarize these opposing and multiple perspectives. (150 words minimum, must include 1 citation from course material, 2 points)
Based on your own observations, does rape culture exist and should we be using this term? Do we live in a rape culture? Why or why not? Feel free to include screen shots from social media or examples from media or your environment to support your perspective (150 words minimum; must include 1 citation from either course material or from outside the course, 2 points)
You learned about a lot of different concepts and perspectives in our “Sexual Violence and Rape Culture” module. Select one concept or perspective that was covered in this module and expand on it in some way that was not covered in the course content. For example, you may have wanted to learn more about sexual violence among people with disabilities or among Indigenous populations or there may be certain voices you want to amplify. You can take this opportunity to perform your own research and report back on what you find. (150 words minimum; 1 citation required; must be from outside course content, 2 points)
Part 2 (1 point)
Comment on a classmate’s post (3 sentences minimum).
Saying things like “good job” or “I agree” is not enough. Please provide a thoughtful response to some aspect of your classmate’s post.
For example: What was your reaction to their post? Was there anything they did not discuss that you think is important?