Discussion 5 – Progressive Era and the Eugenics Movement 66 unread replies.66

Discussion 5 – Progressive Era and the Eugenics Movement
66 unread replies.66

Discussion 5 – Progressive Era and the Eugenics Movement
66 unread replies.66 replies.
During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, eugenics became a popular movement. The idea that human behavior was largely shaped by genetic factors gained a wide following in the United States and throughout the globe, perhaps most notoriously as demonstrated in the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement. While eugenics has a very long history, during the late nineteenth century American proponents focused on how science could presumably solve social problems and create a more “perfect” society. Today most evaluations of the eugenics movement points to how science was misused, typically to justify the targeting of certain “undesirable” groups. Proponents of eugenics supported such policies as immigration restriction of certain groups and forced sterilization and institutionalization of individuals deemed “feebleminded” or otherwise unfit.
Your task with this assignment is to examine concerns about modernity and change during the Progressive Era in the United States. Please utilize the attached document to respond to this forum. The document is part of a larger study on eugenics, though you will find that the chapter (Chapter 4) you are examining is not as much focused on eugenics per se, as on the kinds of issues of the Progressive era that were of interest and concern to many Americans. You will select one of the readings (there are 10 in this chapter). Summarize the selected reading with attention to what it reveals about the time period. 
In addition to posting your original response, you must respond to at least TWO other students. Your replies must be substantial and specific.
Rubric (100 points possible) – 60 points for original posting (x1) and 40 points for responses (x2)
IDEAS (50 points)Ideas reflect original thought and substantial depth, and are relevant to the topic(s)WRITING/CONVENTIONS (10 points)Post and replies are well-written and reflect proper academic conventions for grammar and mechanicsCONTRIBUTION (40 points)Replies contribute in a meaningful way to the learning community and include specific details (3-4 Sentences minimum)TOTAL100