Download NHANES 2017-18 data (use first day total nutrients intake): -Provide a

Download NHANES 2017-18 data (use first day total nutrients intake): -Provide a comprehensive report on zinc intake status among adults. -The report should have sections of introduction, methods, results and discussion. -Use some references in your report. They should be managed using Endnote. Choose Lancet style for references. -The results section should have basic descriptive tables and figures. -Use a multivariable model to examine the sociodemographic determinants of zinc intake. -Identify the problems in the intake. -Put your Stata syntax in the Word document as supplemental material. RDA of zinc: Adults: Men: 11 mg per day; Women: 8 mg per day example papers: PMID: 30518025, PMID: 12949381
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