Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 criti

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 criti

Everyone and everything needs energy. Energy is paramount to the other 15 critical infrastructure sectors and is considered a ‘lifeline’ sector by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Serious disruption of this sector would be catastrophic to the nation. Remember the newsworthy story in North Carolina regarding vandalism of the electric substations plunging thousands into darkness in December 2022? The Electricity Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) counted roughly 1,700 total reports of attacks, vandalism, or other suspicious activity throughout 2022 (NCSL, 2023, para 4). Many redundant countermeasures are in place for this specific sector as resiliency is key to any disruptions.

Regarding the Energy Sector, how can the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of these countermeasures be determined?
Reference: National Council of State Legislatures. (2023, May 22). Human Driven Physical Threats to Energy Infrastructure. https://www.ncsl.org/energy/human-driven-physical-threats-to-energy-infrastructure

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