Financial Management for Hospitals Assignment – SBS

Financial Management for Hospitals Assignment – SBS

Assignment Task


1. Explain and evaluate how the primary of objective in financial management of maximizing shareholder wealth is at conflict with other objectives such as ensuring favorable outcomes for patients. (Note if your organization is public sector consider the alternative objective of minimizing the net cost to the government)

2. Consider the ethical and legal considerations that prevent a hospital or healthcare business from entirely focusing on the maximization of wealth for its owners.

3. Critically evaluate the use of a Balanced Scorecard in your organisation (or a previous organisation you have worked in)

  • Develop a series of metrics based on Financial Performance, Customer, Internal Processes and finally Learning and Growth
  • Explain and identify how your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will meet the strategy goals
  • Evaluate the challenges, discuss the risks of your organisation within the Balanced Scorecard and the challenges to achieving the goals in point 3c

4. Critically consider the ways in which a healthcare business can raise finance if it has a new product available with a Net Present Value of 100m Bahraini Dinar

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