First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of

First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of

First, provide brief reactions (1 paragraph) to one of the following examples of media representation that we discussed:
“Framings” of Muslim American Identity (Yazdiha)
Native American Identity Appropriation (Keene, Small-Rodriguez & Davis-Delano)
Criminalization of African American Identity (Adjei-Brenyah)
Normalization of White Identity (All)
Second, search for and identify at least 1 example of a contemporary “controlling image” (see lecture notes).
You are free to select the image from any media representation that you like. Be sure to provide a link to the image. Explain the following about the selected image(s):
Why do you consider this image to be a “controlling image”?
What do you think it is trying to represent or convey to society?
How does it shape the way we think about racial/ethnic identity (good or bad)?
Third, provide at least one (1) lingering question that you have about the readings and discussions on representation.