For this assignment, students are expected to conduct a “mini” policy analysis o

For this assignment, students are expected to conduct a “mini” policy analysis o

For this assignment, students are expected to conduct a “mini” policy analysis of Head Start policy. The goal of this assignment is help students learn how to apply a policy analysis framework to Head Start policy. To conduct the analysis, students will need to find 3 articles that concern and describe the Head Start legislation.
To find the articles, please use the social work policy research guide Links to an external site. (social policy analysis tab). One of the articles should come from the Congressional Research Service (CRS) (the link is also available on the libguide page). The CRS report will provide students with an overview of the policy/program and help them discuss the benefit-allocation framework.
The second article should come from a policy/research center or a think tank. The link to these types of organizations (for example, the Urban Institute, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities) can also be found on the libguide page (right hand side). Students note that some of these organizations have a particular political orientation (progressive, conservative, libertarian) so they should think about this while the reports of their choice.
Finally, the third article can also come from one of these organizations (although it should be a different organization than the first article) OR a scholarly article through the articles database in the library (students can use the social work policy research guide by clicking journal articles). The articles students choose should be relatively recent and they should choose sources that help to answer the questions below.
Please use the analysis model described in the readings to draft a three- to four-page analysis, double spaced (citation should be according to APA format). The analysis should address the following points as explained in the following reading: [Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (2009). Chapter 3. A Framework for Social Welfare Policy Analysis. In Dimensions of social welfare policy: Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon].
Benefit-Allocation Framework: Who, what, how, and how much ($)
Social, Economic, Environmental Justice Analysis/Human Rights framework: How does this policy impact social, economic, environmental justice and/or human rights? Use readings from weeks 1 and 2 to guide the analysis. Use Gilbert and Terrell’s notions of Equality, Equity, Adequacy
Policy Effectiveness (When searching for article about effectiveness, please use the term outcomes, effects, or impacts’ as the search key words).
The paper should be approximately 3-4 pages, double spaced (APA format citation required).
Grading: Your assignment will be graded based on the following criteria
Research: Are 3 articles (as described above) used to support the analysis? (35%)
Application of framework: Is the policy framework appropriately applied to analyze the policy? (35%)
Writing: Is the paper well-written (grammar, organization, style)? Are the sources properly cited (APA style)? (30%)
this needs to be properly formatted in apa 7 style
also this paper requires the these articles: : [Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (2009). Chapter 3. A Framework for Social Welfare Policy Analysis. In Dimensions of social welfare policy: Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon]. as well as articles I will provide here any additional articles cannot be older than the last five years.