Format Submit a Word document or PDF: 2-3 pages [excluding reference page(s)],

Submit a Word document or PDF: 2-3 pages [excluding reference page(s)],

Submit a Word document or PDF: 2-3 pages [excluding reference page(s)], double-spaced, 1-inch margins, Calibri 12-point font.
In your writing, bold the key words and principles related to lessons in the current module and/or previous modules. Be sure to cite your sources of info on the text, such as web sites that say how much a movie cost to make.
In week 3 you chose a “monster” from pop culture and discussed how to understand it via Monster Theory. This week, we learned text analysis tools (semiotics, psychoanalysis, and political economy).
In this essay, you can use the same “monster” text you analyzed last week OR choose a new popular culture text such as a movie or TV series.
You will discuss how to use each of the 3 text analysis tool to analyze your selected cultural text.
Organize your paper using the following headings and address each prompt below each. Link to any web resources you use (really only need to do this in part 1). Include photos, screen shots, etc., to help illustrate different aspects of your analysis. Submit the essay as a .doc or .pdf (not Google docs).
Part 1 – Cultural Text Selection
a. Identify which cultural text (e.g., movie, book, etc.) that you selected to analyze. Choose a text that has enough detail and narrative for you to analyze.
b. Do some research into the contexts of the production of the text. For example if it is a movie, who directed it? Who were the stars? What was the production studio? How much did it cost to make? Was it popular, and how much did it make?
c. You can include the political/economy/industry information here as background info on your text OR include it as a separate section.
Part 2 – Using Textual Analysis Tools
a. Describe how you would do a text analysis with this “semiotics tool.”
b. Identify several instances of symbolism in text and what you think they mean.
c. Some symbols are internal, like a storm symbolizing conflict in the text. Others can symbolize aspect of our real world. Try to come up with at least one example of each.
d. Describe one reason that using this “semiotics tool” is useful in this case. “Using semiotics to analyze this text helps to reveal…..”
a. Describe how you would do a text analysis with this “psychoanalysis tool.”
b. Look for representations or issues of gender, race, sexuality, or family issues in the text. Focus in on one area that is being developed in the text. How is the issue central to the text? Does it conform to our social norms or perhaps go against them?
c. Describe one reason that using this “psychoanalysis tool” is useful. “Using psychoanalysis to analyze this text shows…..”
Political Economy
a. Describe how you would do a text analysis with this “political economy tool.”
b. How might $$ issues or industry practices have lead to certain character portrayals or plots lines in the story or how it was marketed towards certain audience.
c. Describe one reason that using this “political economy tool” is useful in a text analysis.
Part 3 – In one concluding paragraph say which text analysis tool you found most interesting to use and which one was most useful for analyzing the particular culture text you chose to analyze.