Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing Practice

Graduate Diploma in Mental Health Nursing Practice

The purpose of this handbook is to introduce you to the RPL process for nursing and to
direct you to other general information about studying at Middlesex University. The
material in this handbook is as accurate as possible at the date of production however
you will be informed of any major changes in a timely manner.
Your comments on any improvements to this handbook are welcome. Please put them
in an email with the name of the handbook to your Programme Leader, Leaders.
1. Describe the structure and the function of the parts of the heart
2. What are the implications of conducting pulse oximetry (monitoring blood oxygen
saturation) in clinical practice?
3. Blood circulation in the circulatory system is complex but simple. What are the
differences between systemic and pulmonary circulation and what parts of the
circulatory systems are involved in both?
4. Describe the structure and the functions of the liver
5. How are mental and physical health wellbeing linked?
6. Why are physical/medical conditions more common in people with mental illness?
Give two examples of physical/medical conditions common in this patient population.
7. Why is it important for mental health nurses to be aware of service users physical
health needs when planning and delivering care in mental health settings bearing in
mind current local/national health policies and guidelines?
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