Hello. I have this assignment that I need to do by tomorrow. Assignment: Discus

Hello. I have this assignment that I need to do by tomorrow.
Assignment: Discus

Hello. I have this assignment that I need to do by tomorrow.
Assignment: Discussion #2 Questions
Assignment description:
Read Estes and Palmisano 1974.pdf Estes and Palmisano 1974.pdf and Estes et al. 1998.pdf
Find the discussion questions in the document named: Discussion #2 Questions_ Estes & Palmisano 1974 + Estes et al 1998.docx Discussion #2 Questions_ Estes & Palmisano 1974 + Estes et al 1998.docx
Add your answers to the Word document and upload them using the TurnItIn link below. Note that Turnitin compares responses to ensure students are turning in original work.
Late assignments will incur a penalty of 10% per day and up to 50% if submitted 5 or more days late.