Hi there, for the following time management assignment, I have given the initial

Hi there, for the following time management assignment, I have given the initial

Hi there, for the following time management assignment, I have given the initial answer to each part of the assignment. Your task is to take my answer to each question, and continue with further elaboration on your own. You are to create the assignment with the given answers and further elaborate to complete the answer.
Please make sure all work is original and unique, NO plagiarism as I will have it run through plagiarism checks before submitting.
Objective of this Assignment:
The objective of this assignment is for the student to develop a weekly plan and illustrate their ability to prioritize what needs to get accomplished and overcome challenges that they may have. This includes scheduling conflicts by prioritizing and determining what tasks need to be cut and what is important.
Pre-Assignment Instructions:
Assignment Tasks:
You will create a task list chart of all the items you need to accomplish in the next three full weeks, including the expected hours for each task. This will include tasks that include school, work, and personal commitments. This includes any meetings, assignments, work, activities, including carpooling if you have children, doctor appointments, night out for dinner, or any activity that involves time. Keep in mind that for meetings and appointments, you need to consider any travelling time to/from if required. ANSWER: Items I need to accomplish in the next 3 full weeks: -Work everyday for the next 3 weeks from 8am-4:30pm, rotating shifts every week switching with 8:30am-5:00pm. -Doctor appointment February 6 at 3:00pm (appointment will last maybe 1 hour), which means I am leaving work early at 12:30pm to go home, refresh with lunch, then drive to my appointment which is a 30 minute drive. -I have yoga classes every Thursday evenings at 6:00pm which are 1.5 hours long. I have weekly assignments for 6 different classes, which means I spend roughly 4 hours every night on school work, ranging between 6-10pm. I am having a dinner with my family on Friday night at 7:30pm, February 8, which will probably last around 2 hours.
Once you have this task list created, you will prioritize all of your tasks in order of low, medium, high, based on the benefit and explain why they received this ranking (the value). ANSWER: my priority list: 1.Doctor appointment HIGH priority, because I have been waiting for this appointment for 6 months. Benefit is for my health. 2.My weekly assignments for school HIGH, the benefit is due to wanting to complete my courses successfully. 3.Work HIGH priority, the benefit is making an income. 4.Yoga classes MEDIUM priority, because it is essential for my physical and mental health(which is also a benefit), however it can be missed if necessary, if a higher priority task is at risk (example; if I have school work that requires my attention on the same day, and I finish work at 5pm, I am required to skip a yoga class in order to attend to my school work). 5.Family Dinner MEDIUM priority, because quality time with family is important to me, however if higher priority task was at risk, I will have to ask my family for a rain check and join them again another day.
Tasks 1 and 2 will be included in an Word table. The file must include the following elements.
Task Name
Type of Task (School, Work, Personal)
Expected Hours to Complete (Effort)
Priority (Low, Medium, High)
Explain why the task received that priority.
In another Word Document, you will create and answer the following questions. Please be sure to provide a detailed explanation and not one-word answers. You can include the question/number and provide your answer underneath. Looking at your schedule and tasks over the next 3 weeks, what tasks do you believe will not be completed in that time frame? Explain what time management distractions/mistakes outlined in the course you think will keep you from completing all of your tasks on time. ANSWER: I don’t think I will be able to make it to every thursday yoga class as it is in the evening after my work and I have to balance my school work load as well, so there will be some days I will have to miss it.
What will you do in the future to ensure you can complete the tasks that you take on? What changes do you need to make in managing time? ANSWER: I can arrange a plan to do my school work earlier in the week, giving me more free time to enjoy my Thursday evenings doing other activities.
How will/does time management play a role based on the career you will be pursuing or have today? Provide the career and explain how you believe time management will be/is utilized in the job. ANSWER: I am hoping to pursue a career in marketing. I believe time management is utilized in marketing by …..(elaborate)
The first document can be an Excel or Word Document in Table format. Include your name and assignment# on the assignment, and make sure you are using a minimum of font size 10 in the chart so that it can be read.
For the second document, it must be in Word and be font size 12 double spaced. Each of the questions must be provided in a short paragraph.
You should not have to use resources for this assignment, as the questions are about yourself, but if you do use resources for backup, be sure to provide proper citations.