Hi there , this is STAT 101 class and i am requesting the writer 325247 he/ she

Hi there , this is STAT 101 class and i am requesting the writer 325247 he/ she

Hi there , this is STAT 101 class and i am requesting the writer 325247 he/ she did my order. #545824358 on November 13 2023. so my order had 3 parts and he did the 3rd part wrong so i am requesting again for doing ONLY the 3rd part. Note – I uploaded a picture of my instructors feedback please correct it, Take the notes into consideration
PART 3 The Steps To Take:
When you have chosen your INTERVAL variable: Gather the frequency distribution for your variable and be sure you are using the numbers for the 2022 survey year. You will use the frequency distribution to find the mode, median, and range, when relevant. Remember to ignore any category that is for a “non” answer, e.g., don’t know, no answer, no response, etc. Be sure to note the names of the categories for your nominal and ordinal variables – they may be coded with numbers but those do not mean anything – use the names for each category! To get mean and standard deviation, please use this list. DO NOT CALCULATE THOSE YOURSELF. (You have too much to do right now and it’s not always possible, depending on which variable you chose.) Analyze only your INTERVAL variable in this part. If you would like more guidance on how to choose and deal with your variables, check out the examples tab. Use the outline to write up your analysis. There is no great need to include the frequency distributions – but if you do want to include them, put them in an appendix (optional). then have a paragraph describing your appropriate central tendency and variability statistical patterns for your variable in your own words. Use This Outline Interval Variable– Describe the distribution of your data for this variable. Interpret the frequency distribution and appropriate measure(s) of central tendency (Mean, Median, Mode, skew, best measure) and variability (Range, sd). Introduction – Tell us what your variable is, in everyday words and, briefly, why you chose it. Discussion: Description of the statistical patterns of central tendency and variability, in everyday words. Use ONLY the relevant statistics for the level of measurement. Please send it as a word pdf.INTERVAL variable. Please also check the list which I uploaded to get mean and standard deviation for the 3rd part of this assignment , please use the list given!! just like in the examples provided! please check the details list as well. if you have any question please contact me.