How did the Republican New Era of the 1920s mark a break from the Progressive po

How did the Republican New Era of the 1920s mark a break from the Progressive po

How did the Republican New Era of the 1920s mark a break from the Progressive politics if 1900s-1910s?This paper minimum of 3 pages Maximum of 5 pages
***Follow the rules for writing*** in the announcements Be sure to cite and use Chicago Manual Style
See writing rules below.
Rules to follow:
1. Always have a thesis statement
2. Be sure your evidence answers and proves your thesis statement.
3. No 1st or 2nd person writing in a historical paper. (do not put yourself in the paper)
4. Past tense writing only!!! History happens in the past so only write in past tense.
5. Be sure to mention the book and document before quoting from it. 6. The name of the book and document should be in italics.
7. When you quote someone be sure to acknowledge who you are quoting, use correct punctuation, close the quote and insert a footnote.
8. Be sure to use Chicago Manual style
9. Standard rules for the paper: 1-inch margins, Times New Roman, 12 font and double space.
10. Use a header not a heading. Name-Class-Date 11. No contracted words.
12. No abbreviations I upload word document explain more how this paper should look like