How to Overcome Self-Directed Learning Challenges

How to Overcome Self-Directed Learning Challenges

Assignment Task 


Self-directed learning (SDL) can be a viable approach to actively engage students in enhancing their digital literacies. SDL is a process that allows students to “take initiatives, with or without the help of others, in diagnosing their learning needs, formulating learning goals, identifying human and material resources for learning, choosing and implementing appropriate learning strategies, and evaluating learning outcomes” (Knowles, 1975, p. 18). SDL is also an empowering way to develop one’s metacognitive abilities, i.e. one’s ability to learn how to learn and observe one’s own learning processes. Computers, as a technology that may facilitate both learning and support platforms that can cause harm, require robust metacognitive understandings of the ways in which we, as educators and our students interact with the underlying technologies that power them. As you’ll learn throughout this course, code can either be written in such a way as to uphold societal inequities or to disrupt and dismantle them (Benjamin, 2019). The degree of awareness we bring to the codes/algorithms that underly the technologies we use and those we ask our students to use, as well as the codes we write, will help determine the degree of harm or healing we’re able to engage in through our use of technology as educators. As a result, this assignment combines self-directed learning, metacognitive reflection, and coding to create an opportunity for pre-service teachers to code something useable in their current or future classrooms.

  • Importantly, students must learn something new in this assignment. If a student already knows how to code, they should push themselves to learn something new in the world of coding by making something on Scratch.
  • I need to create a game on the Platform Scratch as a future English teacher. The resulting product/artifact should be useable in my future classroom for a clearly identified target audience (is not simply a game the student coded but a game the student coded to teach their future first graders a phonics lesson.)
  • Please make sure to take screenshots of the steps because I need to add them in my project and write some sentences about the process/steps you took to arrive to the final product.

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