1.) Please follow the link to watch the movie, titled A Class Divided, and answer the following questions. Who in the film determined which differences matter? Who do you think decides in real life?
What lesson did you learn from the film? What scene do you think will stay with you?
Both Elliott and her former students talk about whether or not this exercise should be done with all children. What do you think? If the exercise could be harmful to children, as Elliott suggests, what do you think actual discrimination might do?
2.) Conduct research on an existing Native American clans/tribe in your local area or state (use the state of Nevada). Please identify and discuss associated values, beliefs, norms, practices, critical historical and current issues, and so on, related to one of the tribes, as well as tribal structure, leadership, spirituality; language(s) spoken; how group members self-identify; perceptions of illness causation and healing; local, state, and federal resources available for members of this group. If you plan to interview someone as part of your research, please remember to remain respectful and avoid any micro aggressions. Remember to cite your sources. 3.) Use APA Format to cite sources for Question #2.