I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying

I am stuck with my thesis project. The title goes along the lines of: “Studying the urban expansion phenomenon of Copenhagen and understanding how demand-responsive transport (DRT) and autonomous mobility systems can be seen as public transport solutions to facilitate the integration of artificial islands like Lynetteholm, land reclamation project to be completed in 2070, to tackle the challenge of lack of housing and urban expansion. The thesis is part of the completion of my masters in Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering at TU Delft. However I am working so I cannot fully focus on my thesis so I dragged it for a year now and is my chance to finish it.
I have drafts and feedback from my supervisors, so I will attach everything in the assignment.
Please keep close to what has already been done in my (a bit messy) drafts. I’ll try to be as clear as possible with my instructions, and I hope my supervisors won’t have too much feedback after you complete the thesis.
Ps: TU Delft has a strict ANTI Chat GPT scan process. Please don’t make it entirely through chat gpt as it will be penalised. I know that I have selected the “academic writing” package which is the one where you write everything from scratch but I will still send you material to review and draw from. This is because my supervisors have already read my work and gave me feedback. However, I need you to put in the highest quality of work (and send me a document with all the processes for the research) so that I can deliver a high quality thesis and be able to “Defend” it. In TU Delft we “defend” our theses, meaning that we will have a 90 minutes oral assessment on the thesis, with questions about methodology, data collection, reasoning and processes. Therefore, I’ll need you to explain these to me in a separate document, despite majority of material being presented to you already. Please also review the CBA part, as I am not sure about the quality of it and the data reliability but maybe you can review it and incorporate the feedback of my supervisors.
Read all the feedback given to me and follow the structure (in the index section) that I wrote at the beginning of the draft document so that you know in what order the parts should come one after the other. The worst thing for me is the methodology. This is the part where I struggle the most, especially because I am using secondary data, literature review, and secondarily sourced numbers for the CBA from a Cost-benefit analysis done by a consultancy company Arup which need to be adapted to our Copenhagen case. My supervisors also want me to make the thesis on a conceptual level, since we are dealing with very innovative and breakthrough mobility solutions (DRT + Autonomous Water Mobility). They also want me to indicate and study the option of Roboat and potential routes that the ferry can take from Langelinie Marina to where Lynetteholm will be constructed (design potential routes the ferry can take), the costs of building and operating ferries (which I can give you in consultation) and how the service will can estimate an increase of passenger demand? How can the price be influenced by the utility of a service? consider researching price elasticity.
Would be happy to get on a call to explain further. but find attached all links about my first draft thesis + feedback + other parts I wanted to incorporate in the thesis and don’t know how to fix properly. First draft of thesis: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cYCTWqtYVkTqpLwcivXPs0b3WwCbDznWDEI_6G1qf5A/edit?pli=1
Feedback of supervisors through email, google docs comments and my personal notes taken during video calls with them: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nf0l0u18AG–lzozGfo5Fkfd3BCXVriQxT8egc42YJ0/edit
More content I want to incorporate into the thesis about DRT + Autonomous Mobility to incorporate into the first draft of thesis: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16nWCpAjzOyMl-c8MQj89OHuio0mSU4lC9N4IEHM13wY/edit?pli=1
again, the material might be messy for you so I’d like to get on a call asap to explain what needs to be done so we don’t waste time.