I have all the instructions below for the references. The goal of this assignme

I have all the instructions below for the references.
The goal of this assignme

I have all the instructions below for the references. The goal of this assignment is to summarize the key points of your 5 chosen scientific resources
(e.g., journal articles) and to explain how each one is applicable to your research paper topic.
Details on finding and citing appropriate literature are in the Literature Searching and
Citations Guidelines.
For each of your 5 sources you should first include the full reference (use Ecology formatting),
followed by a short paragraph that should include the goal of the article (1 sentence), the
applicable findings of the article (2-3 sentences), and how the article will fit into your research
paper (1-2 sentences). You will be graded on content, length, and correct citation format using
Ecology formatting. Remember: the summaries should be in your own words and should not
contain any quotes.
Below is an example reference that would receive full credit:
Finkelstein, M. E., S. Wolf, M. Goldman, D.F. Doak, P.R. Sievert, G. Balogh, and H. Hasegawa.
2010. The anatomy of a (potential) disaster: Volcanoes, behavior, and population viability of
the short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus). Biological Conservation 143:321-331.
This article uses a population viability analysis to examine threats to an endangered seabird, the
short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus). The authors explore how a natural disaster, like a
volcano eruption, would affect the small population of short-tailed albatrosses on their breeding
islands. They then compare these effects with the measured impact of a 1% annual increase in
population mortality due to human activities, like bycatch. I can use this paper to show how
overharvesting marine fish populations can have unintended effects on the conservation of other
marine species.
my top is about kelp forest. i want refrecnes regarding that topic and answer the questions for each references you do.