i-need-help-with-a-stakeholders-portion-in-a-paper-1 to 3 pages and 2-slides Ess

i-need-help-with-a-stakeholders-portion-in-a-paper-1 to 3 pages and 2-slides

i-need-help-with-a-stakeholders-portion-in-a-paper-1 to 3 pages and 2-slides
Essay description –
Wildlife protection. A developer has proposed to build vacation homes on a large lakefront parcel in Manistique, Michigan, an Upper Peninsula tourist community, but piping plover breeding pairs, an endangered species under the ESA, have been spotted on the property. Piping plovers nest in the open near the water’s edge and are skittish around people; their decline has been attributed primarily to habitat loss and recreational use of their habitat. The community needs to decide how to maintain the tourism industry (its primary tax base) while protecting wildlife and complying with federal law.
Piping Plovers: The Adorable Shorebird That Everyone Wants to Save (sciencefriday.com) Link for further description of problem