-In 750-1000 words respond to the questions at the end of your case using our cl

-In 750-1000 words respond to the questions at the end of your case using our cl

-In 750-1000 words respond to the questions at the end of your case using our class concepts to guide you. This will be a challenge to accomplish with this word cap, but I’m looking for evidence that you know how to decide for yourself which tools from class can help you answer an ethical question and show me that you can effectively deploy that tool. REMEMBER to actually answer the question rather than just “parroting” back the definitions of tools and frameworks. This is where you can show that you know how to efficiently utilize the skills you’ve mastered to answer tough ethical questions in a succinct way.
I suggest following a simple format for each question (one by one):
1) List a question from the end of the case.
2) Identify which tool (or tools) can help you answer the question and briefly explain why it can help. For example: “We can use ….. to answer this question, because …..”
3) Apply the tool/framework to the question at hand (keeping total word count in mind). Using the actual case, show the reader HOW you use the tool/framework to help you find a justifiable answer.
4) Give your final answer to the question.