In about 300 words, reflecting on the Purdy documentary and respond to prompts.

In about 300 words, reflecting on the Purdy documentary and respond to prompts.

In about 300 words, reflecting on the Purdy documentary and respond to prompts. No title page or citation required.
1. Identify a specific mother and baby in the documentary. Describe how the program fostered the relationship between the mother and baby, and how the program appeared to affect the inmates.
2. Many adults and minors who have been incarcerated report a significant history of trauma. The context of prison in itself is also traumatizing. What may be going on emotionally for the identified mother and her baby? Do you think there could be “ghosts” or “angels” in the nursery that affect the parent and/or their relationship?
3. The Purdy program for mothers and infants depicted in the documentary os not trauma-informed. Wonder how the program could become more “trauma-informed.” Based on what you have learned, consider what may be helpful for mom and baby, and possibly increase the dyad’s well-being, throughout imprisonment and post-release. Imagine what additional support might help them not only survive but also thrive.