Individual Assignment – La Trobe University

Individual Assignment – La Trobe University

Assignment Task

Graduate Capabilities – Discipline Knowledge and Skills 

Assignments must be presented in accordance with the “Assignment Presentation Guide the same method you used in assignment. Please ensure you review this presentation guide and compile your assignment as a business report using the automated front page, table of contents, headings, page numbering and layout.


  1. Explain who the company is and its main business activities. Include an extract of their Statement of Cash Flow and analyse the operating, investing and financing sections, individually, and draw a conclusion as to their overall cash position. This is not to be written in financial investing language, rather you are to interpret the information similarly to the work we undertook in class?
  2. Include in your discussion some information about the role and purpose of accounting standards and how they are set. Finally, provide a brief explanation as to the regulatory environment in Australia for financial reporting and explain why the not-for-profit entities are, or are not, required to comply with all accounting standards?
  3. Using your business from Part (a) of the assignment that was submitted at the end of week 4, post the transactions recorded in your General Journal into the ledger accounts (T.Accounts – ensuring they are all in the month of August); include dates and cross references (please use excel for this exercise and copy them into your report). Prepare the unadjusted Trial balance?

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