Instructions Now that you have written the slide content and scriipt and transfe

Now that you have written the slide content and scriipt and transfe

Now that you have written the slide content and scriipt and transferred them to PowerPoint, you should make revisions based on your feedback and then convert your PowerPoint slide to video by creating audio and saving it as an MP4 file. Remember, your narrated presentation should be between two and three minutes long.
If you need to make changes to your PowerPoint and need help, please refer to these two documents from Microsoft:
Basic tasks for creating a PowerPoint presentation.Links to an external site.
How to insert pictures in your PowerPoint.Links to an external site.
Or, contact Amy Copeland, FSCJ writing tutor at Kent Campus. Amy offers online appointments as well as face-to-face ones.
Watch this short YouTube video from the University of Central Florida: How to Record Audio in PowerPoint and Export as an MP4 to add audio.Links to an external site.
Be sure to use the best microphone you can. The quality of the microphone will make a significant difference in audio quality.
Carefully narrate the scriipt for each slide. Your presentation should be no longer than three minutes or shorter than two minutes.
Please ensure that images or graphics do not depict nudity, violence, or anything that could upset a viewer.
Verify that you used only fair-use graphics or images. Do not borrow images from websites unless you provide proof that the owner of the pictures permitted you to use said image.
Ensure all graphics, images, charts, etc., are visually sharp and not grainy or blurry.
Ensure you include accurate citations for images and tables in your references section. ****See the example below.
Make sure that you use the correct number and kind of sources.
Citations should NOT appear on the video. You must edit your slide content to move citations to your references.
List all references on the last slide.
Make sure that your slogan appears on the first and the last slide.
Please submit a separate Word file showing your scriipt with references. Please identify the corresponding slide number. Be sure to include citations and references in the Word document. This will allow me to grade the correspondence between the scriipt and what I see on screen.
****Refer to Chapter 10, section 14 in your manual to see how to cite images, photographs, and clip art you used in your presentation. Here is a sample reference format for clip art from the APA: GDJ.(2018). Neural network deep learning prismatic. [Clip art]. Openclipart.
the colors look great. You are getting the general idea of the project, but you now need to work on data and facts to bolster your scriipt and connect it to the assigned sources via citations and references. The scriipt is where you provide the explanations for the screen, and right now, there is not enough explanation from the assigned sources. I made a few changes to your presentation, and provided some feedback below. I think if you make these changes, you can get a good grade on the project–but–you need data, statistics, and specific information from the assigned sources and two others. Slide 3 needs a modification. I edited it for you to show you how to make it clear that you are only focusing on intimate partner stalking. Stranger and acquaintance stalking exists, but these forms of stalking are not part of our assignment. Slide 4 scriipt needs a few more words because the shift from 3 to 4 is very abrupt. The scriipt can say something like–stalkers use more than one way to intimidate their victims. Stalking can be done by email. Show your source for me in the scriipt (citation). Next slide 5–scriipt–stalking can be done by phone. Be sure to show your sources (cite them in the notes section). I would create a new slide after 5–show at least one more form of cyberstalking–maybe social media or perhaps GPS trackers. Slide 6–edit scriipt to note that cyberstalking cases have risen over the past few years. Do not use scare tactics–not everyone who watches TV is being stalked or will be stalked. And those who are do not want to be made more fearful than they already are. Slide 8–edit the scriipt to explain why victims do not report to the police. Viewers will be puzzled without some kind of explanation. Refer to a study or published source. Slide 10 does not seem to serve a purpose. There are no facts, data, or statistics on that slide, so I would delete it. Slide 11–modify content to refer to victims, not “me.” Slide 11–scriipt–what are those effects? Gather data on this. There are many studies on this–see this study for example Morris, M. C., Bailey, B., & Ruiz, E. (2020). Pain in the acute aftermath of stalking: associations with posttraumatic stress symptoms, depressive symptoms, and posttraumatic cognitions. Violence Against Women, 26(11), 1343–1361. [Its free on PubMed). Slide 12–edit slide content. The goal of cyberstalking is to avoid detection while intimidating, so you are not going to be “approached” in the physical sense. You can wonder if or whether you are being stalked, or you could talk about recognizing signs of cyberstalking. Add data to your scriipt. See this news report of a new technique for stalking: If you use this as a source, you will need to create a citation and reference for it. To recap–edit your scriipt to include some data, facts, and specific content from your sources. Be precise–if data shows that being stalked can lead to PTSD, physical pain, depression, etc. then say that in the scriipt. The grading rubrics for these projects score for showing that you have a command of the factual information in your sources, so you need to be able to show this.