Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step. Wor

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step.

Keep working on the personal project report template from the previous step.
Work on Step 5 – analyze the dataHow will you analyze the data, what type of data analysis: descriptive, predictive, prescriptive, what are the limitations?
Include the AI prompt in your appendix
Be sure to list any ethical concerns as well as any processes that may or may not work in your specific case.
(Previous Step) Unit 5: Personal Project – Obtain the data
Data Selection and Cleaning
Dataset Selection: I have selected the Airbnb dataset for New York City from Inside
Airbnb ( for this research project. This dataset
provides detailed information on Airbnb listings, encompassing price, location, property
type, host details, availability, and booking rates. It is perfect for examining the effects of
Airbnb listings on the housing market in the area.
Data Cleaning: Once the dataset was downloaded, I thoroughly cleaned it to guarantee
that it was clear, easy to read, and comprehensive.
1. Handling Missing Values: I handled missing data by either imputing values or
removing them, ensuring that it had minimal impact on the analysis.
2. Standardizing Data Formats: For consistency’s sake, data formats for variables
like dates, prices, and position coordinates were made the same.
3. Removing Duplicates: To keep the data’s integrity, duplicate records were
found and removed.
4. Handling Outliers: I got rid of or changed outliers in variables like price and
booking rates, so they didn’t have too much of an effect on the results of the
Challenges Faced: Dealing with a lot of data, complicated data structures, and factors
that weren’t clear was hard, even after the data was cleaned up carefully. These were
taken care of by paying close attention to the details and cleaning the data repeatedly.
Ethical Concerns: Some of the most important ethical issues that come up with this
study are the privacy of Airbnb hosts, the possible effects on local communities, and
following the rules for using data that have been given.
Processes That May Work: To successfully address these concerns, steps will be
taken such as making data anonymous, involving stakeholders, and being open about
The goal of this study is to learn more about how Airbnb ads affect the New York City
housing market by taking these ethical issues and methods into account.