Last week you took on the role of the developer of an application that outputs t

Last week you took on the role of the developer of an application that outputs t

Last week you took on the role of the developer of an application that outputs the data back to the EZTechMovie administrator. As you recall, the development of this program is very urgent and your manager suggested using an agile method of development. As part of this method (SCRUM environment), you are required to take the feedback received from last week and apply that feedback to your code. You will then resubmit it for the next code review meeting. In your initial post, invite the reviewers to complete a second review of your code. Explain how you have improved your code based on the feedback you received. In addition, if you believe that any of the feedback you received last week was incorrect or should not apply, state why you chose not to apply it. Attach a zip file to the post, which must include:
The revised version of your C++ program (.cpp file/s)
Screen shots of: executed program, functionality information, tests that were run on the program and the outcomes.
I have provided the code I am working with. I am struggling to get it in 25 or less lines as well as it crashing when something is inputted that is not a number when asked for the cast. I only received one peer feedback, but I am struggling to implement it.
This was the peer feedback:
“Good work on your project this week! One thing you could include next week is input validation for the number of cast members. If the user enters a non-numeric value or a negative number, it could lead to the program crashing or unexpected results. You could also use a header file to separate the declaration of the EZTechMovie struct and the function prototypes from the main source file. Your header file would include struct EZTechMovie {}, int inputMovieDetails, and void displayMovieDetails. Then you would just need to add the #include “eztech_movie.h” or whatever you decide to name the file in the main.cpp file. “