Limitations of Schlossberg Transition Theory
Assignment Task
The aim of this assessment is for you to discuss your understanding of Schlossberg’s transition framework and the important components for your transition to professional practice. You will also the discuss the use of this model from your own personal experience. This will be based on the learnings of weeks 1 and 2.
1. Discuss your understanding of Schlossbergs transition framework and the important components of this framework.
2. Consider the use of this framework from your own personal situation. This involves discussing the following content areas in your written assessment:
3. Provide a definition of transition in the Schlossbergs transition framework.
4. Describe in your own words, each of the types of transitions as listed in week 2 and provide an example of each in a few sentences.
5. Explain each of the 4Ss – situation, self, support and strategies and provide a transition from your own life experience that describes the 4Ss.
• Consider how you might use the framework in working with clients in the future.
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