Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” beca

Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” beca

Many people who otherwise support feminism, don’t identify as a “feminists” because:
1. They don’t know enough about feminism to claim the label
2. They are deterred or turned off from feminism (and learning what it actually is) because of the stereotypes that are all pervasive (in fact, most people know more about the negative stereotypes than they know about the women and men in the movement or what the movement actually stands for, let alone any historical leaders and/or accomplishments)
3. Some may know what feminism is (and aren’t distracted or deterred by the stereotypes), but they don’t think they’re “active” enough with a capital “A.”
In last week’s reading, “What is Feminism?”, Baumgardner and Richards state that “the goals of feminism are carried out by everyday women [and, I will and, men] themselves.” This means that everyday people are enacting the goals of feminism every day in both large and small ways. You need not be a “professional” activist to be an active feminist.
After reading chapters 3 -5 in Grassroots this week, answer the following in 550-600 words:
1. How did the reading confirm or dispel the ideas you had about what it means to be an “activist” (in any movement, feminism or otherwise)? How — be specific. How did the readings expand the possibilities for action? Describe 3 ways you can be actively involved in the feminist movement (or any other movement that inspires you)?
2. List and describe at least 2 pieces of practical advice on how to become active and list and describe at least 2 missteps or pieces of advice offered in the chapters for budding activists.
3. Is outrage, even anger, valuable or helpful when it comes to activism? Why or why not (or both)? Explain