Moral Reasoning Prompt: Use the cheating dilemma from the Grisez reading and wha

Moral Reasoning Prompt: Use the cheating dilemma from the Grisez reading and wha

Moral Reasoning Prompt: Use the cheating dilemma from the Grisez reading and what you have learned from the other assigned readings to compare utilitarian reasoning with Natural Law, Decalogue-based reasoning. Would utilitarian reasoning provide a different recommendation than the one Grisez gives? Explain your answer that contains the following elements:
Is between 500 and 700 wrds long.
Has a clear, focused thesis or unifying message.
Is well organized with smooth transitions from point to point.
Makes excellent use of the assigned Week 2 Study Materials (ie. readings) and the terms Natural Law and/or Moral Law to help shed light on the main points.
Cites properly from the course texts, Scripture references, or outside sources
Demonstrates a polished writing style and is free from all spelling, grammar, and punctuations errors.