Multiple Choice Questions 1. The ____ part of the for loop runs first. (/8) (A)

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The ____ part of the for loop
runs first. (/8)

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The ____ part of the for loop
runs first. (/8)
(A) Conditional (B) Body
(C) Initialization (D) Functions
2. Include statements are written
in ____ section. (/7)
(A) Header (B) Main
(C) Comments (D) Print
3. scanf is ___ in c language. (/6)
(A) Keyword (B) Library
(C) Function (D) None
4. There are _____ types of control
statements in c language. (/6)
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 5
5. If the size of the array is 100
then the range of indices will be
____. (/6)
(A) 0-99 (B) 0-100
(C) 1-100 (D) 2-2012
6. If a function body contains three
return statements, _____ of them
will be executed. (/6)
(A) One (B) Two
(C) Three (D) First and last
7 . A s oft w a re t ha t he l ps a
programmer write computer
programs is called ____. (/5)
(A) Compiler (B) Editor
(C) IDE (D) Debugger
8. Which of these lines of code is
correct? (/5)
(A) int = 20 (B) grade = ‘A’;
(C) line = this is a line (D) None
9. Which of these operators has
the highest priority? (/5)
(A) / (B) = (C) > (D) !
10. operator is used to calculate
______%. (/5)
(A) Percentage (B) Remainder
(C) Factorial (D) Square
11. Conditional logic helps in
____. (/5)
(A) Decisions (B) Repetitions
(C) Traversing (D) First three
12. If an if statement contains
another if statement, then this
structure is called ______. (/5)
(A) Nested (B) Boxed
(C) Repeated (D) Exposed
13. _____ makes it easier to write
and read values in an array. (/5)
(A) Loops (B) Conditions
(C) Expressions (D) Functions
14. The functions in the standard
library are called ___. (/5)
(A) User-defined (B) Built-in
(C) Repetition based
(D) Iterative
15. char cd () {return=’a’;} This
function contains ____”char”. (/5)
(A) Body (B) Return Type
(C) Hey (D) Argument Minutes
16. ____ refers to the transfer of
code to another function. (/5)
(A) Calling (B) Defining
(C) Rewriting (D) Including
17. To initialize a variable we use
_____ operator. (/4)
(A) (B) = (C) @ (D) ?
18. The _____ structure is always
used to repeat a set of
instructions over and over again.
(A) Loop (B) Conditional
(C) Control (D) Data
19. Functions can be built-in or
____. (/4)
(A) Admin Defined
(B) Server Defined
(C) User defined (D) Both a and b
20. The values passed to the
function are called _____. (/4)
(A) Bodies (B) Return Types
(C) Hey (D) Argument
21. The advantages of using
functions are ____. (/4)
(A) Readability (B) Reusability
(C) Ease of debugging
(D) First three
22. ____ is software that converts
program files into code that a
machine can understand and run. (/3)
(A) Compiler (B) Editor
(C) IDE (D) Debugger
23. ____Values that do not change
while the program is running. (/3)
(A) Variables (B) Constants
(C) Strings (D) Comments
24. A float uses ____bytes of
memory. (/3)
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
25. ____is considered a container
for storing constants. (/3)
(A) Box (B) Jar
(C) Variable (D) Collection
26. getch() is used to get
______input from the user. (/3)
(A) int (B) float
(C) char (D) First three
27. What will be the value of
variable a after that part of the
code is executed? (/3)
Int a = 3;
float b = 2.2;
a = a – b;
(A) 8.8 (B) 0.8 (C) 8.0 (D) 8.2
28. What happens if the condition
in the if statement is not fulfilled?
(A) The program stops.
(B) An index out of bounds error occurs
(C) The rest of the code starts running
(D) Compiler calls to change the
29. Which of these conditions
indicates that c is a factor of a or
not? (/3)
(A) a%c==o (B) c%a==o
(C) a*c==o (D) a+c==o
30. The default control structure of
the C language is: (/3)
(A) Random control
(B) Sequential control
(C) Conditional control
(D) Repetition control
31. Loop within a loop is called:
(A) while loop (B) do while loop
(C) for loop (D) nested loop
32. elements of an array stored at
_____ locations in memory are
safe. (/3)
(A) Attached (B) Scattered
(C) Distributed (D) None
33. Readability helps code to
_____. (/3)
(A) To understand (B) To change
(C) Debugging (D) First three
34. A list of words that are already
defined and that the program
cannot use as names of its
variables is called ____. (/2)
(A) Auto words (B) Keywords
(C) Restricted words
(D) Pre-defined words
35. print f ______type to print data
is used. (/2)
(A) int (B) float
(C) char (D) First three
36. Which of these is not a type of
option operator? (/2)