NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The resou

NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside
references. The resou

NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside
references. The resources you need to complete assignments are to be
found in the assigned course readings. REMEMBER, the use
of ChatGPT, Bard, and other forms of AI to complete coursework is
defined as a form of cheating (With the exception of the editor function
in Word, which you are encouraged to utilize.).
Chapter twenty discussion board item:
the various terms members of the Ecstasy-using community use to
describe their experiences with the drug (‘rolling,’ ‘blowing up,’
Describe the effects users report experiencing.
cited by the author has shown a large increase in the amount of Ecstasy
being sold and used in the United States. Explain what you believe
should be done in, if anything, in response. Do you think the use of
Ecstasy should be defined as a social problem? Does the more recent
introduction of fentanyl and other synthetic opiates into American life
change your perspective in any way? Be specific.
Your post should be a minimum of three well-developed paragraphs.
grammar, and punctuation count. Make sure you proofread your work prior
to posting it. Be sure to write in complete sentences and use proper
grammar to the best of your ability. Only substantive/meaningful posts
will be eligible for full-credit. As part of this
discussion board you are strongly encouraged to review and comment on a
classmate’s post, though this is not required. Comments should be
constructive, direct, and need not be more than a couple of sentences or
a paragraph at most. Please proofread your words prior to posting.