NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside references. The resou

NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside
references. The resou

NOTE: Points will be deducted for the inclusion of outside
references. The resources you need to complete assignments are to be
found in the assigned course readings. REMEMBER, the use of
ChatGPT, Bard, and other forms of AI to complete coursework is defined
as a form of cheating (With the exception of the editor function in
Word, which you are encouraged to utilize.).
Chapters six through eight assignment:
In your own words, respond to the following. Make sure you write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Spelling, grammar, and punctuation count.
Offer a brief summary of each of the three articles. Here I am looking for one or two well-developed paragraphs for each of the three articles.
Compare and contrast the three articles. On which points do they converge? On which points do they diverge?
What is the single most important point made in each article?
Your submission should be a minimum of six well-developed paragraphs. Remember, a paragraph has a minimum of five sentences.
6 artilcle. Establishing Connections: Gender, Motor Vehicle Theft, and
Disposal Networks, Christopher W. Mullins and Michael C. Cherbonneau
The authors examine the gendered nature of motor vehicle theft.
Chapter 7 artilce. “The Devil Made Me Do It”: Use of Neutralizations by Shoplifters, Paul Cromwell and Quint Thurman
Cromwell and Thurman discuss the justifications, excuses, and neutralizations used by shoplifters to explain their crimes.
Chapter 8 article. Identity Theft: Assessing Offenders’ Motivations and Strategies, Heath Copes and Lynne Vieraitis .
Copes and Vieraitis shed light on the motives, perceptions of risk, and strategies involved in identity theft.