NURBN3034 – Identify and Research a Global Health Issue

NURBN3034 – Identify and Research a Global Health Issue

Assignment Task
The purpose of this task is to identify and research a global
health issue (GHI) that has or is likely to have a significant
impact on the health and wellbeing of people and
communities living in Australia and is broken into two (2) parts.
A brochure, aimed at educating patients and the wider
community of why the GHI is of significance to Australians and
a recorded slide presentation aimed at industry, that examines
the key themes included within their brochure and highlights
a relevant Australian Health Policy that aims to address the GHI
in the Australian population.
1. In this part of the assignment students are required to:
Working in groups of two (2), research and critically examine a
contemporary Global Health Issues (GHI) in Australia. Choose
ONE specific Global Health Issue (GHI) using this list for
Non-Communicable Disease/Issues such as obesity,
diabetes, cancers, cardiovascular disease, sepsis and
Communicable Diseases such as whooping cough, RSV,
influenza, meningococcal disease and STI’s
Reproductive and sexual health
Healthcare Systems i.e. Access, workforce instability
Injury and Violence such as domestic violence, elder abuse
Mental Health such as depression, anxiety, self-harm, eating
Substance abuse such as smoking/vaping, drug and/or
alcohol abuse
2. In this part of the assignment students are required to: In
your groups develop a Kaltura presentation of your brochure
that gives greater insight into the GHI within the Australian
population and formulates a proposal to industry as to why
your brochure is important to patient education and should be
included in their organisations. Your presentation should be
based on relevant, current evidence and should include:
Include the Title of the global health issue, Student names
and ID.
An introduction to your brochure highlighting the global
health issue and include its relevance to the Australian
population. Specify which population groups within
Australia are likely to be affected and identify your target
audience for your brochure. Identify in industry where you
feel your brochure would be best situated dependant on
the target population and why (i.e. GP, OP clinic, ED, acute
Briefly describe the Modifiable and/or Non-Modifiable Risk
factors for the health issue and/or risk factors that can
influence the spread within the context of the Australian
local and/or national population.
Briefly describe the impact of this global health issue on the
Australian local and/or national population (for example
burden of disease and socioeconomic impacts).
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Briefly describe the challenges in managing the health
issue in the Australian local and/or national population (for
example determinants of health such as socioeconomics,
access etc.)
Explain the relevant Australian Health Policy included
within your brochure. How can it be used to target, prevent,
and manage this GHI in the Australian population.