Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment

Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment

Of the multitude of strategies discussed this week for increasing work enjoyment for staff, what is your favorite/most preferred strategy discussed in this module? How will you integrate this strategy into your supervision practice in the future? What will it look like when you implement it with a supervisee/trainee? Are there any practices discussed that you will avoid in your supervision in the future, and why?
Providing positive feedback when staff perform well
Identifying individualized reinforcers
Reducing aversive control and/or micromanagement
Reducing aversiveness of job tasks or working environments                                                        Developing plans for ongoing professional development of staff                                                        Providing mentorship and coaching on self-care repertoires
Read Reid, Parsons, & Green’s Supervisor’s Guidebook: Chapter 6 – Supporting proficient work performance: Positive feedback
Read Reid, Parsons, & Green’s Supervisor’s Guidebook: Chapter 7 – Supporting proficient work performance: Special recognition procedures
Read Reid, Parsons, & Green’s Supervisor’s Guidebook: Chapter 9 – Promoting Staff Work Enjoyment
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