One of the founders of YouTube was looking for a video of a halftime show from t

One of the founders of YouTube was looking for a video of a halftime show from t

One of the founders of YouTube was looking for a video of a halftime show from the Super Bowl, and he couldn’t find it. He had an idea: what if there was a repository for the world to collect and share videos? Along with his friends, he imagined a place online where anyone could access this repository as a viewer and a contributor. Along with his two cofounders, he raised $250k to start a company and get this concept off the ground. The founding team had strong engineering experience, but their only worry was how fast this might take off and whether they could keep up with the demand once they began building.Let’s go back in time and imagine you are a business analyst for this brand-new company, YouTube, and you’re going to help them capture this vision in an organized way.What are the goals and objectives?
Define the business problem you are trying to solve
Build a scope document
You should use all of the information and clues in the above description to build your scope document, but you are also welcome to invent some additional details as needed to create a more robust scope doc. Follow the guidelines we discussed in class to create your scope document and submit a document or PDF by the due date/time below.