Only use peer-reviewed sources published between 2021-2023***** very important P

Only use peer-reviewed sources published between 2021-2023***** very important

Only use peer-reviewed sources published between 2021-2023***** very important
Please use Appendix 1 in the course outline to format and structure your analysis.
There are a few ground rules you must adhere to:
The report must be written in APA format. Sources are:
• American Psychological Association. (2010). Concise Rules of APA Style. 7th ed. Washington, DC: Author. ISBN: 9781433805608
• Report must include supporting references, in-text citations, a proper cover page, at least seven FULL pages of content, properly written references..
• Your assignment must include at least five scholarly references. Google Scholar, is a good place to start; Wikipedia is NOT a scholarly reference
• Report must be written in Times New Roman, 12 font, and double-spaced throughout.
• You will upload during this week
• If you have any questions, please email me.
Assignment Grading Rubrics
Quality of work 0 – 50 pts
• Substance
• Grammar
• Subject terminology
• Originality
Research 0 – 25 pts
• Use of scholarly articles to support your views
APA Formatting 0 – 25 pts
• Title page
• Running head
• Abstract page
• Main body
• In-text citations
• Properly written reference page
• Etc.
Total 100 pts
PESTLE Analysis
Porter’s Five Force
not too lengthy he will deduct points