Overview (the job I chose was an interior designer) In Assignment 1, you conduct

Overview (the job I chose was an interior designer)
In Assignment 1, you conduct

Overview (the job I chose was an interior designer)
In Assignment 1, you conducted a job analysis on the job of your choice. In this assignment, you
will be asked to design a performance rating system based on the work tasks you identified in the
job analysis. Next, imagine that a company invited you to provide consultation on how to help
their employees perform better. What types of training would you recommend? What actions
would you take to improve the motivation and job satisfaction of employees?
First, give an overview of your job analysis from Assignment #1 (Section 1) (~1 paragraph):
 First, re-introduce the job you chose. Then list three work tasks that are typically
performed at the job and one of each KSAO needed for this job. These should be drawn
from the job analysis you conducted for Assignment #1.
Next, develop a performance rating system (Section 2) (~2 paragraphs, one for each item):
 You will write two items assessing different aspects of performance for your job
(different tasks). One item will be a graphic rating scale (GRS), and the other will be a
forced choice checklist item. For each item, explain which aspect of performance the
item intends to measure. Finally, you will specify which rating source you would like to
use for each item (e.g., customer ratings, peer ratings, etc.), and why.
Design a training system for this job (Section 3) (~2 paragraphs)
 Specify 1-2 KSAOs that you think the training should be focused on, which on-site or
off-site method would be most appropriate to use for the training, and why you think the
training would help improve job performance (i.e., transfer-of-training). At the end of this
section, please also specify how you would like to evaluate the effectiveness of the
training using two of Kirkpatrick’s training evaluation criteria.
Finally, propose two solutions to improve employee motivation (Section 4) and two solutions to
improve job satisfaction in that particular job (Section 5) (~4 paragraphs)
 Propose two solutions to improve job performance through motivation. For each solution,
provide an action plan and explain the theory behind the plan (e.g., reinforcement theory,
VIE, goal setting, etc.). Then, explain why you think this plan will work to improve
motivation and to improve performance for this specific job.Assignment 2
PSYC245 – Fall 2023
 Similarly, propose two solutions to improve job satisfaction. For each solution, provide
an action plan and explain the theory behind the plan (e.g., P-E fit theory, ASA Model,
Job Characteristics Theory, etc.). Then, explain why you think this plan will work to
improve job satisfaction and to improve performance for this specific job