Part 4: Your company’s management wants to make sure it has policies and procedu

Part 4:
Your company’s management wants to make sure it has policies and procedu

Part 4:
Your company’s management wants to make sure it has policies and procedures in place to protect the privacy of visitors to its Web site. You have been asked to develop a Web site privacy policy. The TRUSTe Web site at describes privacy best practices to help you draft your company’s privacy policy. You can also examine specific companies’ privacy policies by searching for Web site privacy policies on Yahoo!, Google or another search engine. Add to your report for management and address the following issues:
How much data should your company collect on visitors to its Web site? What information could it discover by tracking visitors’ activities at its Web site? What value would this information provide the company? What are the privacy problems raised by collecting such data?
Should the company use cookies? What are the advantages of using cookies for both the company and its Web site visitors? What privacy issues do they create for your company?
Should your company join an organization such as TRUSTe to certify that it has adopted approved privacy practices? Why or why not?
Should your company adopt an opt-in or opt-out model of informed consent?
Include in your report a short (two to three pages) privacy statement for your company’s Web site.
Part 5:
Use spreadsheet software to compare the total three-year cost of licensing and maintaining new manufacturing software or renting the software from an application service provider.
The company would like to implement new production planning, quality control, and scheduling software for use by 25 members of its manufacturing staff. Management is trying to determine whether to purchase the software from a commercial vendor along with any hardware required to run the software or to use a hosted software solution from a software service provider. (The hosted software runs on the service provider’s computer.) You have been asked to help management with this rent vs. buy decision by calculating the total cost of each option over a three-year period. The costs of purchasing the software (actually for purchasing a license from the vendor to use its software package) include the initial purchase price of the software (licensing fee of $100,000 paid in the first year), the cost of implementing and customizing the software in the first year ($20,000), one new server to run the software (a first-year purchase of $4000), one information systems specialist devoting half of his or her time to supporting the software ($55,000 in full-time annual salary and benefits with a 3% annual salary increase each year after the first year), user training in the first year ($10,000), and the cost of annual software upgrades ($5,000). The costs of renting hosted software are the rental fees ($2500 annually per user), implementation and customization costs ($12,000 in the first year), and training ($10,000 in the first year). Use your spreadsheet software to calculate the total cost of renting or purchasing this software over a three-year period. Identify the lowest-price alternative that meets the company’s requirements.
What other factors should your company consider besides cost in determining whether to rent or buy the hardware and software?
Part 6:
Your company may sell through its distributors. It maintains a small customer database with the following data: customer name, address (street, city, state, zip code), telephone number, model purchased, date of purchase, and distributor. These data are collected by its distributors when they make a sale and are then forwarded to your company.
How would you redesign or design your company’s customer database so that it can store and provide the information needed for marketing? You will need to develop a design for the new customer database and then implement that design using database software. Consider using multiple tables in your new design. You may want to use Lucid Charts to develop the ERD
Consider the types of reports you would use with this data. What are they? What would you include in them? What would be of great interest to your marketing and sales department (for example, lists of repeat customers, customers who attend events sponsored by your company, the average ages and years of schooling of your customers). Prepare a listing of the types of reports and content that your company would benefit from knowing. You can name them and describe their uses or even develop a database and create the reports to include in your report.