Please see attached files Comments from Customer For the Interview Questionnaire

Please see attached files
Comments from Customer
For the Interview Questionnaire

Please see attached files
Comments from Customer
For the Interview Questionnaire:
Please only use ONE of the two questionnaires (there is a separate set of questions for couples vs families). You must interview either a couple (not including yourself and your spouse) or a family (parent(s) + participating child(ren) must be present). Important: If you are interviewing a couple (no children participating), you must use the Couples Interview Questionnaire. If you are interviewing a family (single parent + participating child(ren) or parents + participating child(ren)) , you must use the Family Interview Questionnaire. To be clear, children must answer each question in the family interview. You may also add additional questions as you see fit (note: please do not ask questions regarding to sensitive topics such as sexual practices), but at a minimum you must ask all the questions provided in the guide.
Note: This link contains both sets of questionnaires. Remember to only choose the appropriate one to use (based on criteria above) and that if you are interviewing a family, the parent(s) + child(ren) (not babies or toddlers) must participate. Responses to each question should be thorough and detailed. If not, it is customary for the interviewer to probe and ask for details/clarification. Remember, the more detailed the responses, the more you have to work with for your final paper (critical assignment part 2).