Prabhu, an Indian man in his late 50s, presents to your office with an acute cou

Prabhu, an Indian man in his late 50s, presents to your office with an acute cou

Prabhu, an Indian man in his late 50s, presents to your office with an acute cough. He has been feeling sick for the past three weeks. He occasionally produces green sputum and sometimes experiences shortness of breath with exertion. He asks for an antibiotic because his neighbor was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia a few weeks ago and got better with an antibiotic.
On examination, Prabhu’s body temperature is 37.2°C, his heart rate is 88 beats per minute, and his respiratory rate is 22 breaths per minute. Auscultation of the lungs reveals some wheezing in the upper lung fields, but he is otherwise clear to auscultation and percussion. He states that he is allergic to penicillin and had a rash when he took it.
How would you treat Prabhu? Include both pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic therapy. Provide at least two current and scholarly references that support your choice of treatment.