Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe language socialization in

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe language socialization in

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to observe language socialization in the conversational patterns of either caregivers and children together, or of new members of groups in conversation with senior members, and to analyze these data in light of the information in the articles that we read on language socialization. The observation for this assignment looks very much like the linguistic observation completed for Observation Paper 2.
There are two parts to this assignment.
First: Observe, with care, and in detail. Remember to document, to the best of your ability, what people actually say and how they say it.
Second: Step back from your data, and from your assumptions about what is going on in the conversation, and to apply the course concepts to your data to come to understand better what is going on. The reflection at the end gives you a chance to integrate the two and consider your role as observer and analyzer in the process.
You will engage in two observation sessions, done in one of two ways (depending on what kind of access you have to real people interacting in real time).
You can either:
Take a notebook and a pen or pencil and find a place where you will be able to watch caregivers and children interacting with one another without being overly intrusive or noticeable (as with Observation Paper 2, dyads are easier; that is to say, one caregiver with one child). Alternatively, you could watch an interaction between a new member of a group with a senior member of that same group, interacting in a setting which relates to the practices of that group (this is harder to do unless you have access to, for example, a job site where new employees are trained, or are a member of a group where you know new members will be, etc). Do not use any recording devices unless you have explicit permission to do so from the people you are observing (if you feel that you wish to record, please talk to me about permissions, etc). For at least three minutes, take notes on everything that you can about one specific interaction (beforehand, be sure to note the setting, approximate ages of interlocutors, relationship between them if you are able to tell, etc); be sure to get as close as you can to quotes of what is being said and how it is said. For the purposes of this assignment, focus on the linguistic data that you observe, rather than on other, non-linguistic information. However, paralinguistic information, such as stance, proximity, eye contact, etc, can be important.
Alternatively, choose pre-recorded interactions of the same type as those described above. The interaction types for this assignment are very specific. Therefore, if you do not have access to caregivers and children, you may use two of the interactions from the videos listed below. (with time stamps for particularly useful sections)
You should have a total of two observations of around three minutes each at minimum; you can use any combination of real-world and/or recorded data.
Please note: You may not be a participant in the interaction that you are observing.
Content and Format:
The notes you take on these dyadic conversations are the data that you will then analyze.
Read and reflect on your notes. As you write your observation paper, use specific examples from your notes and apply the concepts from the course to your data.
Look for any generalizations that occur, particularly with reference to socialization of the child/neophyte to and/or through language:
Did the caregiver/senior group member correct pronunciation or word choice?
Politeness behaviors?
Style or genre choices or refinements?
Explicit or implicit statements of group values?
If looking at caregiver/child interactions, did the caregiver engage in the one-on-one,
direct eye contact, etc, kinds of behaviors described by Ochs and Schieffelin?
Does the senior person socialize the neophyte into ways of taking? What is the
participant structure of each interaction?
Are there examples of child (or neophyte)-raising behaviors?
Are there literacy events? (These are not the only options; refer to the readings for
other potential patterns of behaviors.)
Relate these observations to the articles that we read for this section of the class.
Given our readings, were your findings expected or unexpected? In what ways?
You should end with a brief reflection of your experience of completing this
Possible videos to use for data:
Engaging with Babies and Toddlers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSR8PIGLkZYLinks to an external site. (0:30-1:30) Toddler Story Time.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j32h-h27lgALinks to an external site. (1:05-4:03)
How to Be a Dadhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKglBzikP1kLinks to an external site. Teaching my 14 year-old Sister how to Drivehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X93Xz6RqEagLinks to an external site. (1:25-4:00)
Clinical Case Presentation, Young Adult In Patienthttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrxpxtpbMt0Links to an external site.(4:15-6:20)
Please click Actionshere for complete instructions and rubric.View Rubric
Observation Paper 3
Observation Paper 3
Descriptions of interactions include complete descriptions of participantsview longer description
/ 4 pts
Analysis of interactions is connected to key concepts and phenomena (politeness, eye contact, child-raising behaviors, values, literacy events, etc.)
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/ 6 pts
Analysis is thoughtful, clear and concise
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/ 3 pts
Detailed and complete observation notes of two interactions. Include specific detail of what was said and how.
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/ 4 pts
Appropriate terminology, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and writing conventions. Sources cited appropriately.
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/ 3 pts
Total Points: 0