Purpose: The purpose of this final project is for you to have an opportunity to

The purpose of this final project is for you to have an opportunity to

The purpose of this final project is for you to have an opportunity to reflect upon your therapeutic communication journey throughout this course. The topics covered in this course prepared you to acknowledge and explain many aspects of therapeutic communication in various situations as well as the technical components of communication. In this assignment you will have the opportunity to summarize your key learnings in this course.
Assignment Instructions:
As an individual you will create a reflection on course concepts learned in Modules 1-4.
Choose one or two important course concepts with definitions as learned in all Modules.
Find key terms in your assigned readings and your notes taken during the synchronous classes.
Consider what you have learned about the course concept(s) that you will use in your future health office administration role.
Apply what you are learning so that your reflection is communicated clearly. Apply to your own writing:
The Five C’s of communication, are you clear, concise, cohesive, courteous, and congruent?
The SMRF cycle, you are the sender and I am the receiver. What is the message that you are trying to convey?
Read through all four of your module notes and the course module information and create a final summary of your new learning from this course and what you will take with you in your future HOA career and add in components to improve clarity.
Alternative Mode Presentation Instructions:
In this assignment you must use an alternative way to present the reflection summary.
Choose one of the following modes of presentation.
Duo Video (interview between two classmates – 5 – 10 minutes maximum) Each student will interview the other to tell about their learning. For submission, include link to video, document with questions, script, and references.
Solo Podcast (audio 5-10 mins.) Submit your audio file along with a document with written key points and references.
Solo Book Review – formal book review of our etext. Submission of a written report with citation and references.
Solo Interactive H5P with two or more components (this must be substantial and uses a course presentation format that goes beyond flashcards)
Solo Canva presentation (slide deck minimum 15 slides) Citations and references.
A reference list is required for this assignment. All resources used must be referenced properly following APA 7. Include in-text citations where required.
Artificial intelligence is not allowed in this course and a mark of zero will be given for any AI used in this assignment. This includes use of Grammarly, ChatGPT, bots or any other applications that use AI or predictive text.
Submission Instructions:
Upload your summary in the chosen format to the submission drop box titled Module 4 – Communication in Health Care Summary.
Uploaded to the assignment drop box before the due date
You may use Word grammar and spell check to ensure that your grammar and spelling are at college level.
Follow APA 7th Edition for submission. Click here to be taken to APA @Conestoga
Grading Summary:
Your project will be graded out of 10 and the rubric is aligned with Conestoga College’s grading policy
Please see the rubric for detailed information
Academic Integrity:
This is an individual assignment and you are required to complete your own work.
If you choose the duo option then both participants will upload to the assignment drop box. Both participants will earn the same grade.
Diagrams are not required for this assignment. However, if you choose to include a diagram then all diagrams must follow copyright laws and be credited to the original source.Insert a text box on your diagram crediting the original source. Add the source to your final slide in your APA reference list.
My topic is Therapeutic Communication for HCA:Health Care Interdisciplinary Teams and other topic is Therapeutic Communication in Health Care Interdiscplinary Teams Activities
i want in canva presentation