Read: Disruptive Marketing Communication for Customer Engagement. The New Fronti

Read: Disruptive Marketing Communication for Customer Engagement. The New Fronti

Read: Disruptive Marketing Communication for Customer Engagement. The New Frontiers of Mobile Instant Messaging
Read: The Brand Report Card
Read: Branding in The Digital Age
Watch: Promotion
Discussion Thread: Promotion
 For this discussion, you will research peer-reviewed journal articles on one of the 4Ps – Promotion. Keyword search terms might include the following:  Personal selling, advertising, public relations, and sales promotion (contests, coupons, and more…). Once you have selected your peer-reviewed journal articles, post a synopsis of the major points from the research you read. 
Discussion Assignment Instructions
The student thread of at least 750 words not to exceed 1,250 words. 
For each thread, students must support their assertions with at least 2 scholarly authored citations in current APA format, with at least one new reference from a Marketing Journal to support the topic researched. Any sources cited must have been published within the last five years, except for the Bible. 
The exceptions are as follows: 
· Discussion: Product Thread must cite, in current APA format, at least four articles, including the three articles listed in the prompt and a new Journal article on PRODUCT; 
· Discussion: Disruptive Marketing Thread must include and cite two of your references used for the Disruptive Marketing Plan Project. 
Additional Expectations
Post-First Feature: This course utilizes the Post-First feature in all Discussions. The Post-First feature means you will only be able to read and interact with your classmates’ threads after submitting your thread in response to the provided prompt. For additional information on Post-First, click here for a tutorial.
If you make a mistake on your discussion posting – repost the entire posting again – do not just add a reference in another posting – you will not get credit. Do not email your instructor with corrections to your posting – repost everything again. 
The requirement is that you use subject headers AND that you post your discussion directly into the learning platform.
Remember, you cannot repeat any of the sources from previous postings.