Remember, overall you will be working towards writing a succinct project proposa

Remember, overall you will be working towards writing a succinct project proposa

Remember, overall you will be working towards writing a succinct project proposal that will assert a “solution” to a specific problem, need, or opportunity. *It’s very important that you choose to write a proposal that you truly feel invested in, that you will honestly care about and feel committed to thoroughly completing. The finished document should be something you would actually feel confident about bringing to an audience for serious consideration. Write your proposal based on: An actual company, an “invented” (but keep it serious—no jokes!) company, or your own realistic entrepreneurially-envisioned venture: Draft a focused proposal that details a new product/service concept (services, arguably, might be easiest to creatively invent) that addresses some clear need for another specific organization/company. Importantly, consider how to address your specific audience. Very carefully craft your document in terms of who your primary audience is. THE PARTS/SECTIONS OF THE PROPOSAL 1. –You must start with an Introduction. This opening will give a brief description of your organization and how it can help the targeted audience by using your specific product(s)/services. You may need to briefly assert the audience’s primary issue, problem, and/or need. This should be one short paragraph. –Next, give brief Details on What You Can Provide and some initial examples of how you might aid the audience with their issues. This may include more clearly and definitively asserting the main problem or need the audience faces. You may need to describe the problem/scenario in a brief summary that shows your complete understanding of the situation. You may need to break the description into three to four distinct parts and/or use narrative techniques to make vivid the problem/need/opportunity. This should take one to maybe two paragraphs. 3. –Then, you must Propose a “Solution” with logical “selling points.” Aim to demonstrate how your solution meets the audience’s need(s). Consider your audience carefully as you draft this section of the document. Show how the distinct parts of the problem are each addressed by the proposal’s ideas. Make sure to note the resulting deliverables. Issues/topics to consider may include: Three to four specific audience benefits. Arguments stating why the benefits outweigh the costs. Details showing why your proposal is better than other solutions. Background info on your organization to help persuade the audience (to show your credibility and expertise). Brief details on your realistic implementation plan, which may include a specific timeline for doing the proposal, a basic description of the costs, a solid but short description of each part of the plan/concept. Cover this content in one to three paragraphs. –Request action and review next steps. How will you want your audience to respond? You may need to encourage your readers to meet with you for consultation by a specific deadline. Again, think about your audience. Let the audience know what you want them to do, and you may also consider very briefly restating the steps of your plan and the benefits (or main benefit) to the reader(s). Importantly, be sure to provide them with contact information. Cover this in one short paragraph.