Research Methods in Psychology – Deakin University

Research Methods in Psychology – Deakin University

Assignment Task 


  1. Student anxiety scores are significantly associated with several factors. For each of these factors, how much of the variability in anxiety scores cannot be attributed to individual differences in that factor?
  2. Anxiety scores in the population of university students are normally distributed Dr Inez concludes that students in the present study have significantly lower anxiety levels compared to the population of university students. Do you agree with this conclusion?
  3. Are students more likely to be engaged in Casual or Part/Full time work?
  4. Individuals who score in the top 20% on the anxiety questionnaire are eligible to take part in an anxiety management program. During the trimester, Amelia spends 140 minutes per day on social media. Based on the time spent on social media, is Amelia likely to be eligible for the program?
  5. Dr Austin recruits a new sample of students who meditate age range and a new sample of students who do not meditate. Which group would be expected to have greater anxiety levels leading up to their exams?
  6. Dr Okafor concludes that students who drink coffee sleep significantly less hours than students who do not drink coffee. Is Dr Okafor correct?

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