Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words) The first par

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words)
The first par

Response papers should be 3 pages, double-spaced (about 750 words)
The first paragraph should briefly summarize the plot of the primary text for the week.
In your response you might consider the themes, symbolism, form, imagery and/or tone of the work. You might discuss aspects of the work that surprised or impressed you, or you own affective response to the work.
You should cite the text at least once in each response paper. You should cite the text in support of assertions you make about it. For example, the statement “I found the representation of Grendel in Beowulf interesting” should be supported with a citation of a passage that demonstrates why you find the representation interesting.
The paper does not need to have a thesis statement and an argument. However, the paper is submitted for a grade – it should use correct grammar, punctuation and other aspects of a formal essay.