Security Advisors

Security Advisors

Within each CISA Region are your local and regional Protective Security Advisors (PSAs), Cyber Security Advisors (CSAs), Emergency Communications Coordinators (ECCs), and Chemical Security Inspectors (CSIs). In order to build stakeholder resiliency and form partnerships, these field personnel assess, advise, and assist and provide a variety of risk management and response services.

Election Security Advisors (ESAs)

ESAs are subject matter experts in state and local elections processes, procedures, and technologies. As members of CISA’s regional teams, ESAs use their in-depth understanding of election administration processes and risks to election infrastructure to help ensure that state and local election officials on the front lines of defending the elections process receive the most effective physical security and cybersecurity assessments, services, and trainings to meet their unique jurisdictional requirements. ESAs are part of CISA’s regional teams, working directly with our Cybersecurity Advisors (CSAs) and Protective Security Advisors (PSAs) to ensure CISA’s capabilities and services are being optimally employed to meet the specific needs of each state or locality. ESAs increase the agency’s internal election security expertise, augment its ability to coordinate efforts to support elections stakeholders, and ensure CISA is providing the most effective risk mitigation assistance possible.

Protective Security Advisors (PSAs)

PSAs are trained subject matter experts in critical infrastructure protection and vulnerability mitigation. They facilitate local field activities in coordination with other DHS offices and federal agencies. They also advise and assist state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) officials and critical infrastructure owners and operators, and provide coordination and support in times of threat, disruption, or attack.

Cyber Security Advisors (CSAs)

CSAs offer cybersecurity assistance to critical infrastructure owners and operators and SLTT officials. They introduce organizations to various CISA cybersecurity products and services, along with other public and private resources, and act as liaisons to CISA cyber programs. They can provide cyber preparedness assessments and protective resources, working group support, leadership, partnership in public-private development, and coordination and support in times of cyber threat, disruption, or attack.

Emergency Communications Coordinators (ECCs)

ECCs support emergency communications interoperability by offering training, tools, and workshops, and provide coordination and support in times of threat, disruption, or attack. These services assist CISA stakeholders in ensuring they have communications during steady and emergency operations. Through these programs, CISA helps ensure public safety and national security and emergency preparedness communities can seamlessly and securely communicate.

Chemical Security Inspectors (CSIs)

CSIs safeguard the American people by preventing the misuse of chemicals in a terrorist attack on the homeland. Every day, thousands of chemical facilities across the country—from small companies to national laboratories—use, manufacture, store, and transport dangerous chemicals in a complex, global chain that affects other critical infrastructure sectors. CSIs manage programs such as ChemLock to help stakeholders—private industry, public sector, and law enforcement—secure chemical facilities from many threats, ranging from: cyberattacks, insider threats, and theft and diversion for use in chemical or explosive weapons.