*Start with A Dynamic Warm-up. AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) What is AMRAP

*Start with A Dynamic Warm-up.
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
What is AMRAP

*Start with A Dynamic Warm-up.
AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
What is AMRAP you ask?
Performing as many rounds (or reps) as possible is pretty much exactly what it is. You have a predesigned set of exercises and reps that you will continue to repeat until the allotted amount of time is up. The exercises can range anywhere from 60 seconds to 60 minutes. The goal of the AMRAP is to get as many rounds or reps as possible in order to maximize the amount of work done in a short period of time. This workout is Categorized as a high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout, this type of training model can help increase efficiency, stamina, and overall health.
Do each set of two exercises for 3 minutes. Repeat the exercises as many times as you can in those 3 minutes. Repeat this if you would like to challenge yourself to get more sets in the second time! Please include in your (1)
Weighted squats (15) If you don’t have weights, hold your backpack full of books 🙂
Running Man Abs (10 each side) Start flat on your back sit up to a running position. If too challenging for some of you, add any ab exercise of your choice. (2)
Reverse Lunges (10 each side). Again, hold weight if you have them.
Superman reaches (10) On your stomach -bring your shoulders up slightly, reach arms over head-bring the elbows down and then reach up again.
Skaters (20)
Inchworm walk-outs to a push-up (5)
Confused bear walks (10) -On all fours (hands and toes with knees close to the floor) -step front then back with hands and feet- five each side.
Burpees (5)
Finish off with a killer leg set:
20 squats
20 lunges
20 jump squats -Cool down and stretch-
**When you have completed the workout, please log your efforts here! Please include how many rounds you did in the 3 minutes of work. Don’t forget to include the FIIT details! Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
Daily Exercise Log Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeType of exercise completed
2 ptsMode and details complete
0 ptslimited details
2 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTime of exercise sessions tracked
1 ptsTime component for each workout included
0 ptsNo mention of time of workouts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntensity variables included
2 ptsIntensity variable for each workout included. Heart rate, steps per day and description of intensity.
0 ptsLimited detail on intensity or not mentioned at all
2 pts
Total Points: 5