Step 1: Identify an environmental problem that exists in your community. You may

Step 1: Identify an environmental problem that exists in your community.
You may

Step 1: Identify an environmental problem that exists in your community.
You may already be aware of a local environmental issue that is related to the processes of globalization. If not, you will need to either go out to explore your community or you can conduct research using your local news media (not social media) to identify a problem. You will need to gather enough information to fully describe the problem and its causes to write the essay in Step 3.
Step 2: Research reliable sources to learn whether the environmental problem in your community is related to the globalization processes that include transborder associations for the purposes of trade, travel, and communication.
Find at least one reliable source that identifies and explains a relationship between the environmental problem in your community and globalization processes. Newspapers and government or non-government environmental organizations are some suggested resources.
Step 3: Write an analytical essay about the social problem that includes these elements.
Introduction – One paragraph
What is the purpose of the essay?
What steps will you take to achieve the purpose of the essay?
Include a thesis statement to set out the direction for the rest of the paper.
Descriiption of the Local Environmental Social Problem – Two paragraphs
Describe the conditions that you believe constitute an environmental problem in your community.
Address these prompts in your descriiption:
Paragraph 1
Where is the evidence of the environmental problem located? Describe the residents, housing conditions, traffic conditions, and natural environment of the area where the problem exists.
Describe the evidence of the environmental problem in enough detail that the reader can see, hear, smell, feel, or in some cases, taste the problem the same way that you experienced it.
Paragraph 2
Discuss the actions taken by local governmental agencies or local coalitions to remedy the environmental problem.
Based on your research about the local environmental problem, evaluate the effectiveness of attempts to resolve it.
The Connection to Globalization – Two Paragraphs
Paragraph 1
Describe the link between the local environmental issue and process of globalization.
Discuss the evidence from your research that explains how the local environmental issue is in some way connected to global economic, political, or social conditions.
Paragraph 2
Apply the functionalist and conflict perspectives to analyze the origin of the environmental problem on the global level.
Conclusion – One Paragraph
Restate the main points of your essay.
Suggest one substantiated idea for abatement of the environmental issue on the local level.
Conclude with your thoughts on whether there is a way to resolve environmental issues that are linked to globalization processes.
Step 4: Review and meet the submission requirements.
The completed essay must be within the range of 400-600 words in length to earn full credit. The essay should be double spaced and include the following:
12-point Times New Roman font.
1ʺ margins on all sides.
A separate title page and reference page.
In-text citations to at least one reliable source. You may use news media or information from government or non-government environmental organizations as references. Although the source does not have to be an academic one for this assignment, remember that Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and encyclopedia-type sources are not considered academic reliable sources.