Task summary: You are to answer the questions given. example: Was that worthwhil

Task summary:
You are to answer the questions given. example: Was that worthwhil

Task summary:
You are to answer the questions given. example: Was that worthwhile? Why would Compaq participate in the program? What about Dell? How would you evaluate the program?
Full order description:
Dear Freelancer,please write the task
MAIN DETAILS:Instructions:
1. Students must read the case study.
2. Students must answer the following questions.
a. The Intel Inside campaign started in thespring Of 1991 and $100 million was budgeted for it in 1992. Was thatworthwhile? Why would Compaq participate in the program? What about Dell? Howwould you evaluate the program? What alternatives does a competitor such as AMD have to combat the Intel Inside brandingStrategy?
b. In the fall of 1992, when the “586” chip was ready, would you have called it Intel 586 ori586, or would you have started over with a new name? What are the pros and cons ofeach alternative?
c. What effects did changing the brand name from X86 to Pentium and others have on Intel’s ability to manage the product life cycle of the newly branded products?
d. When would a new product require a new name (such as Pentium) versus a new subbrand (such as Xeon)?
e. Evaluate the Centrino brand strategy. Will it help Intel be relevant to the mobile computing world?
6. To answer these questions, please find information in the internet and use it to validate your answers.7. The students must use at least four (4) references