tchen Gadgets Kitchen Gadgets sells a line of high-quality kitchen utensils and

tchen Gadgets
Kitchen Gadgets sells a line of high-quality kitchen utensils and

tchen Gadgets
Kitchen Gadgets sells a line of high-quality kitchen utensils and gadgets. When customers place orders on the company’s website or through the electronic data interchange (EDI), the system checks to see if the items are in stock, issues a status message to the customer, and generates a shipping order to the warehouse, which fills the order. When the order is shipped the customer is billed. The system also produces various reports.
Create a MS Word document with answers to the following questions. The document must have a professional appearance. It is recommended that you use to draw the data flow diagram (DFD). How to create data flow diagrams in
If using you should export your file as an image file that can then be inserted into a Word document. If you are using a pencil and paper please draw and write very clearly, so I can understand. No points will be given if the work is not legible. Be professional and use a ruler to make the shapes and data flows. Remember that this is a graphical language and the shapes are rules must be followed.
Watch the following videos:
1. Video on Context Diagrams provided in Learning Modules/Module 5 – see link below.
2. Also, review the following Tutorials on creating a DFD in Lucidchart:
How to create a Context-level Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
How to create a Level-0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) A. Logical versus Physical Models – Review textbook section 5.1
Explain the difference between a logical and physical model. (2 points)
B. Drawing DFDs – Review textbook section 5.4
1. List at least four (4) guidelines for creating DFDs mentioned in the reading. (2 points)
C. Drawing a Diagram 0 DFD – Review textbook section 5.6
1. Draw a Diagram 0 DFD diagram for the order system in the scenario above. Refer to figure 5-13 in the readings. (10 points)
D. Data Dictionary – Review textbook section 5.8
What is a data dictionary and why is it important to a systems analyst? (3 points)
E. Process Descriiption Tools – Review textbook section 5.9
Why would a manager prefer a decision tree instead of a decision table? Discuss the pros and cons of each in your answer. (3 points)